CS:GO Pro Settings – The Best Sensitivity, Config, Crosshair, Mouse, Monitor, Keyboard, Headset and Setup Used by Professional Gamers

CS GO SETTINGS MOUSE KEYBOARD CHAIRFinding the best CS GO mouse can be difficult. Have you ever wondered which gaming mouse or monitor KennyS, Forest or Pasha are using? Or what sensitivity Scream or Get_Right use to get those sweet shots? We have gathered the CS GO config, sensitivity, settings, crosshairs, mouse, keyboard and other hardware of all players of the 16 teams of the last Major for you. The table is even sortable by player name, team or sensitivity. This can be an incredibly valuable resource if you want to get your CS:GO game to the next level.

We have provided sources for you as well, just in case you want to check yourself. This table is updated every major Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament. Please feel free to comment if we got something wrong.

You can quickly reach this post under our subdomain at http://csgosetup.on-winning.com Any information on the settings, sensitivity, resolution, mice, keyboards, chairs or other gear of teams and players is very much appreciated. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

In general, checking out what the pros are using is a good start to find the perfect CS GO config, settings and hardware for you. You should always try to find the CS GO config, settings and hardware you personally are most comfortable with. Every player is different in his play style, which means that AWPers often play with a really low sensitivity, lurkers tend to have a comparatively high sens.

Interestingly, not every pro is using a flawless mouse sensor. Please refer to our Flawless Mouse Sensor List to check.

You should also try to find a mouse that fits your hand, there are many different grips that you have to try out for yourself. Until then you won’t know what mouse fits you. A 144hz monitor is a noticeable advantage over other players in CS GO, but if you are a new player 60 HZ are just fine. Also look at the mousepads the pros are using in CS GO. Most Pros use suprisingly big mousepads in CS:GO. If you are completely lost, start at 2 sensitivity and 400 dpi. Then just fine-tune it until it’s perfect.

You might also want to have a look at ProSettings.net. You can find some interesting analysis on the best monitors and mice in their CS:GO Best Monitor and Gear Guide and Best Mouse for CS:GO Guide.

PlayerMouse DPIHzWindows sens.sens. / zoomMouse accel.Raw inputResolution MonitorHzMouseMousepadKeyboardHeadsetCrosshairConfig
dev1ce / device400100062.2 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-A Red EditionZowie G-SR
Razer BlackWidow Chroma TE V2
Turtle Beach Elite Prodev1ce crosshairdev1ce config
Magisk800100061.15 / 1001280x1024 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK+Corsair K-70 RGB RedsHyperX Cloud IIMagisk crosshairMagisk config
Xyp9x80050061 / 1011680x1050 / 16:10 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Zowie FK2Zowie G-SR-SELogitech G610Turtle Beach Elite ProXyp9x crosshairXyp9x config
gla1ve400100062.2 / 1011280×960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Razer DeathAdder ChromaSteelSeries QcK+SteelSeries 6Gv2Turtle Beach Elite Progla1ve crosshairgla1ve config
dupreeh400100061.7 / 1011280x800 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Zowie FK2Zowie G-SRRazer BlackWidow Tournament EditionTurtle Beach Elite Produpreeh crosshairdupreeh config
autimatic400100061.5 / 1111280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540144Logitech G403Logitech G640Logitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardHyperX Cloud Alphaautimatic crosshairautimatic config
Skadoodle80050061.4 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Logitech G Pro WirelessLogitech G640Logitech G810HyperX Cloud IISkadoodle crosshairSkadoodle config
Golden400100062 / 1011280x720 / 16:9ASUS VG248QE144Zowie ZA13Fnatic Gear Focus XLFnatic Gear StreakFnatic Gear DuelGolden crosshairGolden config
flusha400100061.6 / 0.87011280x960 / 5:4 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Fnatic Gear Clutch G1Fnatic Gear Focus XLFnatic Gear StreakQPAD QH-90flusha crosshairflusha config
RUSH400100062.2 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Logitech G703SteelSeries QcK HeavyRazer BlackWidow StealthCorsair H2100RUSH crosshairRUSH config
NBK80050061 / 0.9001280x720 / 16:9 AOC AG251FZ240Logitech G900Logitech G640Logitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardHyperX Cloud AlphaNBK crosshairNBK config
apEX400100061.91 / 1011600x900 / 16:9AOC AG251FZ240Logitech G403Zowie G-SRLogitech G413HyperX Cloud AlphaapEX crosshairapEX config
kennyS40050062.2 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsAOC AG251FZ240Logitech G Pro WirelessRazer GigantusXtrfy K2 RGBLogitech G Pro (unreleased)kennyS crosshairkennyS config
shox400100052.25 / 1001280x720 / 16:9AOC AG251FZ240Logitech G Pro WirelessLogitech G640Logitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardHyperX Cloud Alphashox crosshairshox config
bodyy40050062.6 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedAOC AG251FZ240Logitech G Pro WirelessRazer GigantusDucky Mechanical KeyboardHyperX Cloud Alphabodyy crosshairbodyy config
Smithzz400100061.89 / 0.8001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Razer DeathAdder 2013SteelSeries QcK HeavyDucky Year of the GoatHyperX Cloud IISmithzz crosshairSmithzz config
Tarik800100061.1 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Logitech G400sSteelSeries QcK HeavyRazer BlackWidow ChromaSennheiser PC 350Tarik crosshair
Tarik config
felps40012562.2 / 1011280x1024 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2546240Zowie EC2-AHyperX FURY ProHyperX AlloySennheiser GSP 600felps crosshairfelps config
FalleN400100062.2 / 1.2011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2546240Razer Mamba EliteRazer Gigantus
Razer BlackWidow X Chroma TE
Sennheiser GSP 600FalleN crosshairFalleN config
coldzera80050061.1 / 1001280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2546240Zowie ZA12 [White]Razer Gigantus
Razer BlackWidow X Chroma ME
Sennheiser GSP 600coldzera crosshaircoldzera config
TACO400100061.9 / 1011280×1024 / 5:4 / stretchedBenQ XL2546240Zowie FK2Zowie G-SRRazer BlackWidow EliteSennheiser GSP 600TACO crosshairTACO config
fer40012562.5 / 1011152×864 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2546240SteelSeries Rival 300Razer Goliathus Speed Cosmic
Razer BlackWidow X Chroma ME
Sennheiser GSP 600fer crosshairfer config
boltz40050063 / 1011440×1080 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2546240SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries QcK Mass
Razer BlackWidow X Chroma ME
Sennheiser GSP 600boltz crosshairboltz config
GuardiaN40050061.3 / 1.200800x600 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144SteelSeries Kinzu v1 [Sudden Attack]Zowie G-SRHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud IIGuardiaN crosshairGuardiaN config
NiKo400100061.35 / 0.8011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRSteelSeries Apex M800HyperX Cloud IINiKo crosshairNiKo config
olofmeister400100061.7 / 1.2011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2730Z144SteelSeries Rival 310Fnatic Gear Focus XLFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud IIolofmeister crosshairolofmeister config
cromen800100061 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-AHyperX Fury S ProHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud IIcromen crosshaircromen config
rain450100061.75 / 1011280x800 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2411Z144QPAD 8KXtrfy XGP1-L4SteelSeries APEX M750HyperX Cloud IIrain crosshairrain config
karrigan800100041.2 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2411Z144Logitech G Pro WirelessSteelSeries QcK+ CS:GO EditionCorsair STRAFE RGBHyperX Cloud IIkarrigan crosshairkarrigan config
Xizt40050063 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsEIZO Foris 2421144XTRFY M1SteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear StreakXtrfy H1Xizt crosshairXizt config
JW400100062.4 / 0.9011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2730Z144Zowie EC2-A [White]Fnatic Gear Focus XLFnatic Gear StreakSteelSeries Arctis 7JW crosshairJW config
KRiMZ400100061.8 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Zowie EC1-ASteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear StreakQPAD QH-90KRiMZ crosshairKRiMZ config
draken700100061.2011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144XTRFY M1Razer Goliathus ControlRazer Blackwidow UltimateXtrfy H1draken crosshairdraken config
Kjaerbye40050061.8 / 1011440x900 / 16:10 / black barsASUS VG248QE144Logitech G Pro WirelessSS QcK+ HyperBeastCorsair STRAFE RGBTurtle Beach Elite ProKjaerbye crosshairKjaerbye config
Aizy400100062.4 / 1011024×768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-ACorsair Gaming MM200 XLCorsair K-70 RGB RedsHyperX Cloud IIAizy crosshairAizy config
MSL400100061.6 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2430T144Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK HeavyCorsair K-70 RGB RedsHyperX Cloud IIMSL crosshairMSL config
valde160050060.8 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedZowie EC1-Avalde crosshairvalde config
STYKO400100062 / 0.8011440x1080 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Razer DeathAdder 2013Razer Goliathus SpeedROCCAT Ryos TKL ProROCCAT Kave XTDSTYKO crosshairSTYKO config
ropz400100061.77 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME ZEROropz crosshairropz config
Snax400100062.06 / 0.9100800×600 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK2SteelSeries QcK+SteelSeries Apex M500SteelSeries Siberia 200Snax crosshairSnax config
oskar40050063.5 / 0.8011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Razer DeathAdder Elite OWZowie G-SRCM Storm QuickFire Rapid-iSennheiser GAME ZEROoskar crosshairoskar config
chrisJ800100061.19 / 1001280x1024 / 5:4 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240MIONIX NAOS 7000Zowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME ZEROchrisJ crosshairchrisJ config
suNny500100061.76 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS VG248QE144Logitech G703XTRFY XTP1-L4-ENCE-1XTRFY XG1-RASUS ROG Orion PROsuNny crosshairsuNny config
Zeus1600100031.64 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsAOC G2460PQU144Zowie FK2Zowie G-SRRazer Blackwidow UltimateHyperX Cloud IIZeus crosshairZeus config
electronic400100062.7 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Logitech G703SteelSeries QcK+bRazer BlackWidow Tournament EditionHyperX Cloud IIelectronic crosshairelectronic config
s1mple400100063.09 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Logitech G703SteelSeries QcK HeavyHyperX Alloy EliteHyperX Cloud Alphas1mple crosshairs1mple config
flamie800100061.1 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsAOC G2460PQU144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud IIHyperX Cloud IIflamie crosshairflamie config
Edward40050061.9 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedAOC G2460PQU144Logitech G703SteelSeries QcK+HyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud IIHyperX Cloud IIEdward crosshairEdward config
Neo40050061.81 / 0.85001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Logitech G403 WirelessZowie G-SRLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardSteelSeries Siberia 650Neo crosshairNeo config
pasha40050061.72 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK Heavy
Razer BlackWidow Chroma TE V2
QPAD QH-90pasha crosshairpasha config
byali80050060.95 / 1001680x1050 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Logitech G Pro WirelessSteelSeries QcK+Logitech G810Sennheiser GAME ZERObyali crosshairbyali config
MICHU800100060.47 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK HeavyROCCAT Ryos ProSennheiser GAME ZEROMICHU crosshairMICHU config
HObbit400100063 / 0.75011680x1050 / 16:10 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK HeavyHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud RevolverHObbit crosshairHObbit config
mou400100063 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS VG248QE144Zowie ZA13Zowie G-SRASUS EchelonSteelSeries Siberia v2mou crosshairmou config
AdreN40050062 / 0.85011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK2Everglide TITANASUS EchelonHyperX Cloud IIAdreN crosshairAdreN config
Dosia40050062.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS VG248QE144SteelSeries Kana v2Everglide TITANASUS EchelonASUS ROG OrionDosia crosshairDosia config
fitch1680x1050 / 16:10 / stretchedZowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK+Tesoro Durandal UltimateHyperX Cloud Revolver
tabseN400100061.28 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedEIZO FG 2421144Logitech G403 WirelessLioncast esport ONE BIGLioncast LK300HyperX Cloud IItabseN crosshairtabseN config
keev400100062.8 / 0.9011280x720 / 16:9 BenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-A [White]Zowie G-SRHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud IIkeev crosshairkeev config
Nex800100061.15 / 1001024×768 / 4:3 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME ZERONex crosshairNex config
gob b800100061 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2411Z120Logitech G403 WirelessLioncast esport ONE BIGLioncast LK300Sennheiser GAME ZEROgob b crosshairgob b config
LEGIJA800100061 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK1Lioncast esport ONE BIGLioncast LK300HyperX Cloud IILEGIJA crosshairLEGIJA config
Spiidi400100061.85 / 1011650x1050 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser PC 363DSpiidi crosshairSpiidi config
denis400100061.93 / 0.7011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Zowie ZA12Zowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME ZEROdenis crosshairdenis config
B1ad34005002.3 / 0.77011280x720 / 16:9 BenQ XL2411Z144Zowie FK1Razer Goliathus SpeedZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser PC 363DB1ad3 crosshairB1ad3 config
markeloff40050062 / 0.85001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie ZA12Zowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME ZEROmarkeloff crosshairmarkeloff config
WorldEdit40050061.84 / 1011600x900 / 16:9BenQ XL2411Z144Zowie ZA12Zowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser G4ME ONEWorldedit crosshairWorldedit config
wayLander180050060.26 / 0.42011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Razer DeathAdder ChromaZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME ZEROwayLander crosshair
wayLander config
Lekr0900100061 / 1011440x1080 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2411Z144QPAD DX-20SteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud IILekr0 crosshairLekr0 config
REZ400100062.7 / 1011280x800 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144XTRFY M1XTRFY XGP1-L4Xtrfy K2-RGBXtrfy H1REZ crosshairREZ config
GeT_RiGhT400100062.9 / 1001680x1050 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2411T144XTRFY M1Xtrfy XTP1-L4-GT-1Xtrfy K2-RGBXtrfy H1GeT_RiGhT crosshairGeT_RiGhT config
dennis400100062 / 1011280x800 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud IIdennis crosshairdennis config
f0rest40050063.5 / 1001280x960 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411T144XTRFY M1Xtrfy XTP1-L4-NiP-ITXtrfy K2-RGBXtrfy H1f0rest crosshairf0rest config
Stewie2k450100061.85 / 0.83011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240SteelSeries Rival 310Logitech G640
Razer BlackWidow X Chroma ME
HyperX Cloud IIStewie2k crosshairStewie2k config
Twistzz400100061.8 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Razer DeathAdder EliteLogitech G640Razer BlackWidow EliteLogitech G633 Artemis SpectrumTwistzz crosshairTwistzz config
EliGE1600100060.82 / 0.6011680x1050 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144Logitech G703Razer GigantusNoppoo Choc Mini 84HyperX Cloud IIEliGE crosshairEliGE config
nitr040050062.5 / 0.85011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus SpeedMK Disco WhiteHyperX Cloud IInitr0 crosshairnitr0 config
NAF400100061.2 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Razer DeathAdder ChromaSteelSeries QcK HeavySteelSeries 6Gv2Turtle Beach Elite ProNAF crosshairNAF config
steel40012562.9 / 0.65011280x720 / 16:9BenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK2Razer Goliathus SpeedZOWIE GEAR CeleritasHyperX Cloud IIsteel crosshairsteel config
jdm64400100062.75 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Razer DeathAdder 2013Razer Goliathus SpeedSteelSeries 6Gv2HyperX Cloud IIjdm64 crosshairjdm64 config
stanislaw400100063.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2411Z144Razer DeathAdder EliteRazer GigantusRazer BlackWidow Chroma V2Turtle Beach Elite Prostanislaw crosshairstanislaw config
kioShiMa400100062.2 / 1001280x720 / 16:9BenQ XL2540240Zowie ZA12Zowie G-SRXtrfy K2-RGBSennheiser GAME ZEROkioShiMa crosshairkioShiMa config
Happy450100052.6 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411T144Zowie EC2 eVoSteelSeries QcK HeavyCM Storm QuickfireHyperX Cloud IIHappy crosshairHappy config
RpK40050062 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / streched144SteelSeries RivalRazer Goliathus SpeedRazer BlackWidow ChromaSennheiser GAME ZERORpK crosshairRpK config
ScreaM400100052.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240FinalMouse Classic Ergo 2SteelSeries QcK HeavySteelSeries 6Gv2Sennheiser GAME ZERO SEScreaM crosshairScreaM config
hAdji400100062 / 1011280x800 / 16:10 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144Zowie EC2-BXTRFY XTP1 F0REST EDITIONHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud II
sixeR40050062 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411T144Zowie EC2-A [White]Zowie G-SRSteelSeries 6Gv2HyperX Cloud IIsixeR crosshairsixeR config
xms1280x800 / 16:10 / stretchedBenQ XL2411Z144Zowie EC2-A [White]Zowie G-SRTesoro ExcaliburHyperX Cloud Ixms crosshairxms config
twist400100062 / 1011600x900 / 16:9BenQ XL2411Z144Zowie ZA12SteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud IItwist crosshairtwist config
disco doplan1850100060.4 / 1011280x800 / 16:10 / StretchedViewSonic XG2401144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus SpeedCM Storm QuickfireHyperX Cloud Revolverdisco doplan crosshairdisco doplan config
freddieb40061.7011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedViewSonic XG2401144Zowie EC1-AQPAD FX-50SteelSeries 6Gv2QPAD QH-90freddieb crosshairfreddieb config
pronax400100062.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-AXtrfy XGP1Xtrfy K2 RGBQPAD QH-90pronax crosshairpronax config
bondik1800100032.5 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2410T144Razer DeathAdder ChromaSteelSeries QcK HeavyZOWIE GEAR CeleritasHyperX Cloud IIbondik crosshair
bondik config
woxic1600100062 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240SteelSeries SenseiZowie G-SR-DGZOWIE GEAR Celeritas IIHyperX Cloud Iwoxic crosshairwoxic config
ANGE1400100062.21 / 1Zowie ZA12Razer Goliathus SpeedASUS EchelonASUS ROG Orion PROANGE1 crosshairANGE1 config
DeadFox40062.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRCorsair Vengeance K65HyperX Cloud IIDeadFox crosshairDeadFox config
fnx40012561.77 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Zowie ZA12Mionix SARGAS 450 SKFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud IIfnx crosshairfnx config
kNg400100062.5 / 0.9011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsHyperX Cloud IkNg crosshairkNg config
MODDII40050062.2 / 101800x600 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2430T144Zowie EC1-ASteelSeries QcK HeavyXtrfy K2-RGBSteelSeries 9HMODDII crosshairMODDII config
JUGi70050060.8 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2430T144Razer DeathAdder ChromaSteelSeries QcK+SteelSeries Apex M500HyperX Cloud IIJUGi crosshairJUGi config
Snappi40050062.5 / 0.7011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-ASteelSeries QcK+MIONIX ZIBAL 60HyperX Cloud ISnappi crosshairSnappi config
niko40061.55 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9niko crosshairniko config
RUBINO40050062.25 / 1001280x1024 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Zowie EC2-BHyperX FURY ProHyperX Alloy FPS ProHyperX Cloud AlphaRUBINO crosshairRUBINO config
cajunb400100061.8 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC1-AZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasHyperX Cloud IIcajunb crosshaircajunb config
k0nfig400100062.2 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420Z144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasHyperX Cloud IIk0nfig crosshairk0nfig config
HS400100062.4 / 1011600x900 / 16:9BenQ XL2420Z144Zowie FK2SteelSeries QcK HeavyQPAD MK-90SteelSeries Siberia 350HS crosshairHS config
friberg800100061.1 / 1001280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Zowie EC1-AXtrfy XTP1-L4-NiP-ITXtrfy XG1-R LEDSennheiser GAME ZEROfriberg crosshairfriberg config
reltuC80050061.65 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Zowie FK1Razer Goliathus SpeedHyperX Cloud IIreltuC crosshairreltuC config
koosta400100062.4 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Logitech G400sSteelSeries QcK HeavyCorsair K-70 RGB RedsSennheiser PC350SEkoosta crosshairkoosta config
NahtE400100062.2 / 1011280x1024 / 5:4 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144Logitech G303SteelSeries QcK+Corsair K-70 RGB RedsLogitech G430nathE crosshairnathE config
XANTARES400100062 / 1 1.0511024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK1 [White]SteelSeries QcK+ CS:GO EditionOzone Strike ProSennheiser GAME ZEROXANTARES crosshairXANTARES config
Calyx800100051.1 / 1011280x960 / 4:3BenQ XL2430T144SteelSeries Rival 300SteelSeries QcK HeavyOzone Strike ProHyperX Cloud ICalyx crosshairCalyx config
ngiN400100062.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black bars144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus SpeedRazer BlackWidow TournamentLogitech G35
FugLy45050061.7001920x1080 / 16:9ASUS VG248QE144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus SpeedRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIFugLy crosshairFugLy config
daps40050062.12 / 1011280x720 / 16:9 / stretchedBenQ XL2420Z144Zowie EC1-ARazer Goliathus SpeedCM Storm Quickfire ProTurtle Beach Elite Prodaps crosshairdaps config
Taz40050062.1 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK2SteelSeries QcK HeavySteelSeries Apex M500Sennheiser G4ME ONETaz crosshairTaz config
rallen180050061.2 / 0.8011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2410T144QPAD 5KSteelSeries QcK Massrallen crosshairrallen config
ShahZaM400100061.7 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS VG248QE144Logitech G303Logitech G640Logitech G710+Logitech G430ShahZaM crosshairShahZaM config
seangares800100061.2 / 1001280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144SteelSeries Rival 100HyperX FURY ProRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud Revolverseangares crosshairseangares config
BARBARRViewSonic XG2401144
allu400100063.3 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS VG248QE144Zowie EC1-AXtrfy XTP1-L4-NiP-LIXtrfy K2-RGBSennheiser GAME ZEROallu crosshairallu config
BnTeT81061.2 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsSteelSeries Sensei RawSteelSeries QcK HeavySteelSeries Apex M500SteelSeries 9HBnTeT crosshairBnTeT config
Hiko400100063.9 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedAOC G2460PQU144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRRazer BlackWidow StealthHyperX Cloud IIHiko crosshairHiko config
SHOOWTiME150012560.5 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2420Z144SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud IISHOOWTiME crosshairSHOOWTiME config
zehN800100051.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS VG248QE144Finalmouse 2016 - Classic ErgoXTRFY XTP1 F0REST EDITIONLogitech G710+HyperX Cloud IIzehN crosshairzehN config
mixwell400100062.2 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Razer DeathAdder ChromaZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser G4ME ONEmixwell crosshairmixwell config
roca1800100060.5 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2411Z144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus ControlDucky Mechanical KeyboardCreative Sound BlasterX H5roca crosshair
DAVEY400100062 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9ViewSonic XG2401144Razer DeathAdder ChromaCorsair MM200 XLCorsair K-70 RGB RedsCorsair Gaming VOID
kRYSTAL1000100061.6 / 1001920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2420T144SteelSeries Rival 100SteelSeries QcK HeavyQPAD MK-80Sennheiser PC 360kRYSTAL crosshairkRYSTAL config
ryx160050041 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2430T144Razer DeathAdder 2013SteelSeries QcK HeavyCorsair K-70 RGB RedsHyperX Cloud IIryx crosshair
innocent40050061.5 / 1011280×960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2411T144Logitech G403Zowie G-SRXtrfy K2 RGBSennheiser GAME ZEROinnocent crosshairinnocent config
D0cC400100061.7 / 101800x600 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411144Zowie FK1Zowie G-SRCorsair Vengeance K65HyperX Cloud ID0cC crosshairD0cC config
TenZera800100061.1 / 1011280x960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2411144Zowie FK2Zowie G-SRHyperX AlloySennheiser GAME ZERO SETenZera crosshairTenZera config
fREAKAZOiD400100061.8 / 0.8011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus SpeedSteelSeries 6Gv2HyperX Cloud IIfREAKAZOiD crosshair
Jkaem40050061.52 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Zowie EC2-AXtrfy XGP1-L4Xtrfy XG1-RSennheiser PC 363DJkaem crosshairJkaem config
Subroza400100061.55 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420Z144Zowie FK2Zowie G-SRCorsair K-70 RGB RedsHyperX Cloud II
steel40050061.5 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2420Z144Finalmouse 2016 - Classic ErgoZowie G-SRZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSennheiser GAME
Hazed400100063.3 / 1.25011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2430T144Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus SpeedRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIHazed crosshair
LeX180050060.6 / 101800x600 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420Z144Razer DeathAdder EliteGlorious XL HeavyMasterKeys Pro S TKL BrownSennheiser HD 598
summit1g40050061.5 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9ASUS VG248QE144Zowie FK1Corsair Gaming MM200 XLCorsair K-70 RGB RedsAudio-Technica ATH-AG1X
adreN400100062.25 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Zowie ZA12Razer GigantusRazer Blackwidow UltimateHyperX Cloud II
fl0m400100063 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9ASUS VG248QE144SteelSeries Rival 600SteelSeries QcK HeavySteelSeries Apex M500SteelSeries Arctis 7
Polen40063 / 1011600x1024 / StretchedBenQ XL2420Z144Logitech G303Corsair K-70 RGB RedsHyperX Cloud II
swag400100061.2 / 11.0501920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2420T144Zowie EC2-ALogitech Cloud9 TileLogitech G810HyperX Cloud Revolver Sswag crosshairswag config
fox40064.4 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144Logitech G Pro WirelessFox FWPOzone Strike ProSennheiser GAME ZEROfox crosshairfox config
Shroud400100062.1 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2430T144Logitech G303Cloud9 Zoom MousepadLogitech G Pro Mechanical KeyboardHyperX Cloud FlightShroud crosshairShroud config
Slemmy40050062.65 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2430T144Logitech G Pro WirelessLogitech G440Logitech G810Logitech G633 Artemis SpectrumSlemmy crosshair
n0thing40050061.7 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2430T144Logitech G Pro WirelessLogitech G440Logitech G810Logitech G430n0thing crosshair
n0thing config
seized40050063 / 0.8011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsAOC G2460PQU144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRHyperX AlloyHyperX Cloud IIseized crosshairseized config
tenzki40050061.7 / 1011280×960 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2420T144SteelSeries RivalSteelSeries QcK HeavyCorsair K-70 RGB RedsCorsair Gaming H1500tenzki crosshairtenzki config
FNS400100061.75 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedBenQ XL2540240Razer DeathAdder 2013SteelSeries QcK HeavyFNS crosshairFNS config
Dazed400100062 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144Logitech G403HyperX FURY Pro XXLRazer BlackWidow Tournament StealthSennheiser GAME ZERO
loWel400100062.4 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2540240Razer DeathAdder ChromaRazer Goliathus ControlCorsair K-70 RGB RedsSennheiser GAME ZEROloWel crosshairloWel config
Maikelele40050052.6 / 0.9011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsASUS ROG SWIFT PG278Q144Zowie EC2-AXtrfy XGP1-L4Xtrfy XG1-RHyperX Cloud IIMaikelele crosshairMaikelele config
LUCAS1400100061.7 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420Z144Razer DeathAdder 2013Razer Goliathus SpeedRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 ChromaLUCAS1 crosshairLUCAS1 config
HEN1400100042.5 / 1111024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420Z144SteelSeries Rival 300HyperX FURY ProRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIHEN1 crosshairHEN1 config
pyth400100062.6 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411T144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRXtrfy K2-RGBHyperX Cloud IIpyth crosshair
znajder 40050063 / 1011280x720 / 16:9 BenQ XL2411Z144Zowie EC1-AXtrfy XGP1Xtrfy K2 RGBCorsair Gaming H1500Znajder crosshairZnajder config
peet160050060.475 / 0.9011024x768 / 4:3 / black bars144SteelSeries RivalSteelSeries QcK Heavy
DEVIL400100051.43 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedASUS VG248QE144SteelSeries SenseiRazer Goliathus SpeedLogitech G710+HyperX Cloud RevolverDEVIL crosshairDEVIL config
Shara40012542 / 1Windows01024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Microsoft IntelliMouseSteelSeries QcK HeavyZalman ZM-K400GSennheiser GAME ZERO
hooch45050062.3 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2410T144Zowie ZA12SteelSeries QcK HeavyTt eSPORTS POSEIDONs
Sennheiser HD555
Zero400100062.1 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2411T144Zowie EC2-AZowie G-SRROCCAT Ryos TKL ProSteelSeries Siberia v2Zero crosshairZero config
GruBy2.6 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2411Z144SteelSeries RivalROCCAT TAITOCM Storm QuickfireQPAD QH-90
spaze80050042.9 / 1001024x768 / 4:3 / black barsZowie G-SRASUS Echelon
Pimp800100061.4 / 1011440x900 / 16:10 / black barsBenQ XL2420T144Zowie FK1Razer Goliathus SpeedHyperX AlloySennheiser GAME ZEROPimp crosshairPimp config
arya40050031.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedViewSonic XG2401144Zowie EC1-AZowie G-TF SpeedZOWIE GEAR CeleritasSteelSeries Siberia 350
wenton400100062.1 / 0.85011920x1080 / 16:9ASUS VG248QE144Logitech G302SteelSeries QcK HeavyFnatic Gear Rush G1HyperX Cloud II
Furlan900100061.4 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9BenQ XL2410T144Zowie EC1-ASteelSeries QcK+CM Storm QuickfireSteelSeries Siberia v2Furlan crosshairFurlan config
AcilioN800100061.3 / 1011920x1080 / 16:9ViewSonic XG2401144Zowie FK1Mionix SARGAS 450 SKMIONIX ZIBAL 60HyperX Cloud I
Friis40050062.5 / 1011024x768 / 4:3 / black barsBenQ XL2410T144MIONIX AVIOR SKMionix SARGAS 450 SKMIONIX ZIBAL 60HyperX Cloud I
CRUC1AL50050062.5011024x768 / 4:3 / stretchedViewSonic XG2401144SteelSeries Rival 100SteelSeries QcK HeavyLogitech G19Sennheiser PC350SE


My mom said my eyes would turn into rectangles from playing too much PC. Joke's on her though, they are in glorious 16:9 now.

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966 Responses

  1. Beast4k says:

    There’s no way pasha’s dpi is 400 if he has rival 100. That mouse only goes 500,1000,1500 dpi. Either he has another mouse or dpi

  2. DiZiO5 in Steam says:

    Is Logitech G502 good for CSGO?

  3. PiP says:

    Virtus Pro disbanded their cs go roster and now all VP players are free agents.

  4. PiP says:

    According MiBR social media. TACO and Felps are replaced Stewie2K and Tarik in their roster. And MiBR roster now is: Fallen, Coldzera, Fer, TACO, Felps.

  5. ksoomiii says:

    Is logitech 403 better than steelseries rival 300

  6. PiP says:

    Felps now officially replaced Tarik in MIBR.

  7. Peter Brøndum says:

    Which mouse sensitivity would be recommended with a mouse pad of 24,5 cm and a mouse DPI of about 1050?

  8. PiP says:

    According IEM Sydney matches. NiP Dennis now using Logitech G Pro wireless mouse

  9. devil says:

    Shroud plays on 450 DPI and 2.4 sens in game.

  10. devil says:

    hooch cannot have 400 DPI with the ZA12, either he has changed his mouse or his DPI is incorrect, it is likely 400.

  11. S7V7N says:

    Hello guys! Is Logitech 403 good for cs go???

  12. Nord says:

    Please help me to get the good fps and gaming performance. Im using ASUS GX502GV-i7 9th gen-RTX 2060-16gb RAM-15.6” 144hz. My average FPS on a 1920×1080 medium setting is 120-140 only. Thank you in advance!

  13. Juan.Q says:

    G305 wireless is good for csgo?

  14. mert says:

    apex have corsair hs60 pro

  15. robert paul says:

    Final Fantasy XIV is awesome, as we all know. Despite being the only MMO RPG version of the Final Fantasy Game Franchise, it is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Keeping up with the latest developments and add-on features is crucial. Your character will look and behave better with the best FFXIV Mods. Square Enix (the developer of Final Fantasy video games) recently announced that its user base has reached 20 million. This is the most recently released FFXIV mods and addons from Map Mod News. You can pick the ones that match your gaming style and strategy.

  16. Claudiu says:

    Is this still relevant? I don’t see FPX players like Maden, etc… Sad that this site is now dead, I used to get all the info from here.

  17. Aali Mehra says:

    Which mouse should I buy for my laptop with Ryzen 9 5900X

  18. Motherboard can be broken down into three basic categories: desktop, mobile, and embedded. Desktop motherboards are the most common type of motherboard. They typically include a CPU socket to accommodate a processor, an expansion slot for adding components, and standard features such as a connector for video outputs. Mobile motherboards are designed for use in portable devices such as laptops or tablet computers that may not have an expansion slot

  19. carlos says:

    is this updated?

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    KNR Digital assist businesses in optimizing their digital marketing initiatives and achieving quantifiable results by leveraging the power of data analytics and utilizing the most recent tools and technologies.

  22. play now! says:

    Thank you for compiling this valuable resource for CS:GO enthusiasts! Knowing the settings and gear used by professional players can certainly help aspiring gamers improve their skills. Your dedication to keeping this information up-to-date is commendable. Keep up the great work!

  23. EMULATOR says:

    Thank you for compiling this comprehensive resource for CS:GO enthusiasts! Knowing the settings and gear of top players is invaluable for those looking to improve their game. Your dedication to keeping it updated is greatly appreciated by the community.

  24. brown says:

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is known for its vast array of weapon skins that add a unique visual element to the game. While opinions on the “best weapon skins csgo. can be subjective, here’s a short list of some highly sought-after and visually appealing skins in CS:GO:

    Dragon Lore (AWP): The AWP Dragon Lore is one of the most iconic and expensive skins in the game. Its intricate dragon design and rareness make it a collector’s item.

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    Karambit Marble Fade (Knife): The Karambit Marble Fade is a colorful and visually stunning knife skin with a unique pattern. It’s highly desired by players for its aesthetics.

    AK-47 Fire Serpent: The AK-47 Fire Serpent boasts a serpent-themed design with vivid colors and intricate details. It’s a favorite among many CS:GO enthusiasts.

    Desert Eagle Blaze: The Desert Eagle Blaze features a fiery blaze pattern, which gives it a distinctive and eye-catching appearance.

    AUG Akihabara Accept: This skin showcases vibrant anime-inspired artwork, making it a standout choice for those who enjoy a more playful aesthetic.

    USP-S Kill Confirmed: The USP-S Kill Confirmed displays a dynamic design with a skull and crossbones, making it a popular choice among players who like a dark and edgy look.

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