Dota 2 Pro Setups – Best Dota Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor

dota mouse

Razor is probably using a Razer mouse.

In Dota 2, the mouse and keyboard are your most important tools for victory. So why compromise on quality? We’ve been using the Dota mouse and keyboards of the pros and we suggest you do the same. Most professional gamers spend so much money on mice, keyboards and monitors that they try out a whole variety of gaming hardware. So the best Dota mouse for you might probably one the professional players are using as well.

In terms of Dota mice, different people try different things. For some, a Dota mouse with several additional thumb buttons can be effective. Some prefer leaner, sleaker Dota mice and want their Dota mouse to be as small as possible. Try different things in your local store or just stick to a Dota mouse that your favorite professional Dota player is using.

Pro gamers use a variety of different hardware for Dota. We have gathered a comprehensive list of every Dota mouse, keyboard and monitor the pros have been using. The setups of professional Dota 2 Players are different from person to person. They use a variety of mice, keyboards, headsets, and mouse pads. A lot of setups of players like Arteezy, SumaiL, Fear or KuroKy can be really hard to find. We have compiled the setups of the best and most relevant teams and put them into this list. Always remember though that the mouse needs to fit your hand perfectly and only you can decide which mouse feels comfortable. If you ever wonder what setup to buy and get some inspiration by the pros, this is the place to look. It is really hard to go wrong by picking your Dota mouse from a list of professional gamers.

This list is a work in progress so don’t hesitate to write in the comments if you see anything that is wrong.

Additionally you can always check other games like CS:GO or Overwatch and use the mice that pros in these games are using.

Player TeamPositionMonitor MouseKeyboardHeadsetMousepadComputer Chair
AkkeAlliance5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2Sennheiser GAME ZEROSteelSeries QcK+
LodaAlliance1BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2Sennheiser GAME ZEROSteelSeries QcK+
EGMAlliance4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2Sennheiser GAME ZEROSteelSeries QcK+
AdmiralBulldogAlliance3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2Sennheiser GAME ZEROSteelSeries QcK+
s4Alliance2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2Sennheiser GAME ZEROSteelSeries QcK+
ZfreekcompLexity Gaming4/5BenQ XL2430TCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCyberpowerPCDX Racer
ChessiecompLexity Gaming1BenQ XL2430TCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCyberpowerPCDX Racer
HandskencompLexity Gaming4/5BenQ XL2430TCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCyberpowerPCDX Racer
LimmpcompLexity Gaming3BenQ XL2430TCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCyberpowerPCDX Racer
swindlemelonzzcompLexity Gaming2BenQ XL2430TCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCorsair GamingCyberpowerPCDX Racer
MiseryDigital Chaos3/4/5LG Gaming 24GM77-BSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
SaksaDigital Chaos4/5LG Gaming 24GM77-BSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
w33Digital Chaos1LG Gaming 24GM77-BSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
ResolutionDigital Chaos2/3LG Gaming 24GM77-BSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
MooDigital Chaos3LG Gaming 24GM77-BSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
iceiceiceEHOME1/2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
LaNmEHOME3BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
old chickenEHOME4/5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
FenrirEHOME4/5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
FaNEHOME1/2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
YapzOrEscape Gaming4/5DX Racer
syndereNEscape Gaming4/5DX Racer
EraEscape Gaming1DX Racer
qojqvaEscape Gaming2/3DX Racer
KhezuEscape Gaming3DX Racer
FearEvil Geniuses1BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries Siberia Elite PrismSteelSeries DeXCyberpowerPCNeedforSeat
UNiVeRsEEvil Geniuses3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries Siberia Elite PrismSteelSeries DeXCyberpowerPCNeedforSeat
SumaiLEvil Geniuses2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries Siberia Elite PrismSteelSeries DeXCyberpowerPCNeedforSeat
ppd Evil Geniuses5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries RivalSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries Siberia Elite PrismSteelSeries DeXCyberpowerPCNeedforSeat
zaiEvil Geniuses4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries Siberia Elite PrismSteelSeries DeXCyberpowerPCNeedforSeat
AbedExecration1/2SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK massDX Racer
TIMSExecration3/4SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK massDX Racer
RRExecration3/4/5SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK massDX Racer
Kim0Execration4/5SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK massDX Racer
NandoExecration1/2SteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK massDX Racer
ChrissyFnatic2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 7H Gaming Headset - Fnatic SteelSeries QcK+
MidoneFnatic1BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 7H Gaming Headset - Fnatic SteelSeries QcK+
343-FlyyFnatic5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 7H Gaming Headset - Fnatic SteelSeries QcK+
MushiFnatic4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 7H Gaming Headset - Fnatic SteelSeries QcK+
OhaiyoFnatic3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 7H Gaming Headset - Fnatic SteelSeries QcK+
AggressifLGD Gaming1BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 ChromaRazer Goliathus Speed
MaybeLGD Gaming2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 ChromaRazer Goliathus Speed
SeptemberLGD Gaming5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 ChromaRazer Goliathus Speed
xiao8LGD Gaming3/4BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 ChromaRazer Goliathus Speed
Dai-MMYLGD Gaming3/4BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 ChromaRazer Goliathus Speed
FebbyMVP Phoenix4BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
DubuMVP Phoenix5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
MPMVP Phoenix1BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
ForevMVP Phoenix3BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
QOMVP Phoenix2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaRazer Kraken 7.1 Chroma
Razer Goliathus Speed
ArtstyleNatus Vincere3/4BenQ XL2411ZZowieHyperX Cloud IIZowieDX Racer
SoNNeikONatus Vincere5BenQ XL2411ZZowieHyperX Cloud IIZowieDX Racer
DendiNatus Vincere1/2BenQ XL2411ZZowieHyperX Cloud IIZowieDX Racer
Ditya-RaNatus Vincere1/2BenQ XL2411ZZowieHyperX Cloud IIZowieDX Racer
GeneRal-qwNatus Vincere3/4BenQ XL2411ZZowieHyperX Cloud IIZowieDX Racer
kphoeniiNewbee3BenQ XL2430TZowie
MuNewbee2BenQ XL2430TZowie
ChuaNNewbee4/5BenQ XL2430TZowie
KAKANewbee4/5BenQ XL2430TZowie
HaoNewbee1BenQ XL2430TZowie
BigDaddyOG1/2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries Apex M800SteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
MoonmeanderOG3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries Apex M800SteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
Fly-SimbaOG5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries Apex M800SteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
Miracle-OG1/2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries Apex M800SteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
Cr1t-OG4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries Apex M800SteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
KuroKyTeam Liquid4/5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIRazer Goliathus SpeedAlienwareNeedforSeat
MatumbamanTeam Liquid2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIRazer Goliathus SpeedAlienwareNeedforSeat
JerAxTeam Liquid4/5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIRazer Goliathus SpeedAlienwareNeedforSeat
FATA-Team Liquid2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIRazer Goliathus SpeedAlienwareNeedforSeat
MinD_ContRoLTeam Liquid3BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaRazer BlackWidow ChromaHyperX Cloud IIRazer Goliathus SpeedAlienwareNeedforSeat
EternaLEnVyTeam Secret1BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries ApexSteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
PuppeyTeam Secret3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries ApexSteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
ArteezyTeam Secret2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiDucky Mechanical KeyboardSennheiser Game ZeroSteelSeries QcK+
1437Team Secret4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries ApexSteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
pieliedieTeam Secret5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries ApexSteelSeries Siberia v2SteelSeries QcK+
GoblakTeam Spirit4/5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaLogitech G710+Logitech G430Logitech G440
AfterLifeTeam Spirit3BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaLogitech G710+Logitech G430Logitech G440
RAMZES666Team Spirit1BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaLogitech G710+Logitech G430Logitech G440
ALWAYSWANNAFLY Team Spirit4/5BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaLogitech G710+Logitech G430Logitech G440
IcebergTeam Spirit2BenQ XL2430TRazer DeathAdder ChromaLogitech G710+Logitech G430Logitech G440
KukuTnC Gaming1/2NeedforSeat
DeMoNTnC Gaming4/5NeedforSeat
eyyouTnC Gaming4/5NeedforSeat
RavenTnC Gaming1/2NeedforSeat
Sam_HTnC Gaming3NeedforSeat
fyVici Gaming Reborn4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
yang-shabiVici Gaming Reborn3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
NoNo-FightTohetherVici Gaming Reborn2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
End-Zyf-YJVici Gaming Reborn1BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
ddcVici Gaming Reborn5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK mass
GodVirtus.pro2BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK+
LilVirtus.pro4BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK+
fngVirtus.pro5BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK+
SilentVirtus.pro1BenQ XL2430TLogitech G402Logitech G710+Logitech G430Logitech G440
DkPhobosVirtus.pro3BenQ XL2430TSteelSeries SenseiSteelSeries 6Gv2SteelSeries 5Hv3SteelSeries QcK+
InnocenceWings Gaming4/5SteelSeries QcK mass
Shadow-Wings Gaming2SteelSeries QcK mass
bLinkWings Gaming1SteelSeries QcK mass
Faith_bianWings Gaming3SteelSeries QcK mass
iceiceWings Gaming4/5SteelSeries QcK mass


I like to play competitive video games.

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45 Responses

  1. someguy says:

    These guys are sponsored yeah?

  2. Squirrel says:

    Info about Alliance is not correct, they are sponsored by SS.

  3. azlan says:

    Navi use Benq XL2411 not the XL2430..

  4. Dynasty says:

    Can you update for 2018 please

  5. Matthew Karwoski says:

    What I’m particularly interested in is what kind of switches they use. Any way you could ascertain that information?

  6. JosDan says:

    what is the sumiya mouse?

  7. Jink says:

    Any updates?

  8. Daniel says:

    This information is so needed for players who wants to have a pro setup but you hafta update the list i guess
    So, make it quick!
    Thanks in advance

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