The Best CS:GO Workshop Maps To Help You Improve
Click here for the updated version of this guide. CS:GO isn’t the easiest game to become good at. You obviously get better by just playing (you can check out our beginner’s guide here) but...
Click here for the updated version of this guide. CS:GO isn’t the easiest game to become good at. You obviously get better by just playing (you can check out our beginner’s guide here) but...
CS:GO is one of those ‘a minute to learn, a lifetime to master’ kind of games. That’s what makes it so appealing to hundreds of thousands of gamers every day, but it’s also what...
Overwatch is an ever-growing phenomenon. It has become an international e-sport with over 25 million people playing. Several big investors have joined the scene to build the best teams possible and compete in the...
Finding the best CS GO mouse can be difficult. Have you ever wondered which gaming mouse or monitor KennyS, Forest or Pasha are using? Or what sensitivity Scream or Get_Right use to get those...
Update: We’ve made an in-depth article on this on our parent website. If you’d like to, you can go and check it out here. A 240 HZ Monitor seems to be THE gaming hardware...
Getting to the top in any given game is no easy task. You need to have the technical skills to beat out millions of other people, you need to have the time to dedicate...
Tilt is a mental state where players take suboptimal lines of play because they get emotional, angered and aggressive after losing several games in a row or hitting a streak of bad luck. Most...
There’s guides everywhere talking about the strategic aspects of multiplayer games but there’s one thing that is not commonly mentioned and that’s communication and your own personal mindset. Communicating with your teammates is an...
Whether you love playing CS:GO, Overwatch, League of Legends, Dota or other games – you are are staring at a screen for hours everyday. So it’s reasonable that you want to pick the best...
A good player (in any sport) doesn’t just coast by on mechanical skills. The truly great players also have an elite mentality which helps them grind out tough games. It makes sense, too. If...