CS:GO Beginner’s Guide
CS:GO is one of those ‘a minute to learn, a lifetime to master’ kind of games. That’s what makes it so appealing to hundreds of thousands of gamers every day, but it’s also what...
CS:GO is one of those ‘a minute to learn, a lifetime to master’ kind of games. That’s what makes it so appealing to hundreds of thousands of gamers every day, but it’s also what...
Update: Over the past week I’ve seen and played many different comps on this mode, some very successful and others less so. That only reinforces the fact that there are many different ways to...
Proper communication in games can be the difference between a glorious win and adding another L to your record. I firmly believe that if you pit two teams of equal skill against each other...
Playing your first games of Hearthstone can be overwhelming. You don’t know all the cards yet, a [Chillwind Yeti] is beating your face in and you still spend more time reading the cards than...
The midrange/combo druid archetype has been a fixture of competitive Hearthstone since the beginning of beta two years ago. This guide is for beginners and veterans alike with General Strategy and Card Choices aimed...
League of Legends is a MOBA. It is similarly structured like his relatives Dota 2, Smite or Heroes of Newerth. In League of Legends you have three lanes and the jungle in between. The three lanes are...
Dust (Hearthstone’s currency to craft cards) is hard to come by. It can take months of doing quests and playing arena to earn the dust you need. Deciding on which cards to craft can...